Jesse Andrews
Jesse Andrews
Jesse Andrews is an American author and screenwriter best known for his debut novel "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" and its subsequent film adaptation.
Kristine Guillaume
Kristine Guillaume
Just one year after she was Let’s Go EIC, Kristine Guillaumebecame the first Black woman to serve as President of The Harvard Crimson.

Eric Lesser
Eric Lesser
Eric Lesser took his experience as an RW for Let’s Go: Amster-dam 2006 and channeled it into a job for the obama presidentialcampaign in 2008. After the election, he worked in the westwing as a presidential advisor.
Pico Iyer
Pico Iyer
Pico Iyer, a two-time RW for the 1982 and 1983 series, went onto become one of the world’s best-known and respected travelwriters.
Darren Aronofsky
Darren Aronofsky
Darren Aronofsky is an acclaimed American filmmaker known for his visually distinctive and thematically profound films, including "Requiem for a Dream," "Black Swan," and "The Fountain."

Oliver Koppell
Founder of Let's Go
Oliver Koppell (B.A '62) founded Let's Go Travel Guide and served as the president of HSA in FY61. After graduating, Oliver became a member of the New York City Council and later held the position of New York Attorney General from 1994 to 1995.
Andrew Tobias
Andrew Tobias
Oliver Koppell (B.A '68) was the FY66 Business Manager of Let's GO and later served as FY68 President. Post-grad, Andrew Tobias went on to be a nationally syndicated financial writer, penning three New York Times bestsellers. In 1999, he became the treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.
What was your trajectory at HSA?
"Freshman year I sold class rings and ads for the Calendar and worked on laying out that publication. ... Then they gave me Let's Go to run that summer - and had misplaced the editors for Ireland, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia, so the first thing I had to do was leave the country for the first time in my life and update those sections....
Basically, it became my life - WAY more interesting and exciting than my major, Slavic Languages and Literatures (which essentially meant reading War and Peace in English, in the Cliff Notes). ... I loved biking up to 993A Mass. Ave. every day and working crazy hours there - it was my home, really."
What have you done with your career since?
"New York magazine hired me to write about money and business when I graduated, and I've basically never worked a day in my life since. After New York, I had a column in Esquire, then Playboy, then Time, then Parade, and wrote some books along the way. In 1999, President Clinton basically installed me for a two-year, $1/ year stint as DNC treasurer - which wound up lasting until February 25, 2017. I made $18."